Miombo forests are renowned for high quality honey and the existence of coastal Miombo forests associated with an already strong culture of traditional beekeeping. This is why we launched our Honeybee Alliance program to help grow, strengthen and maximize the economic benefits of sustainably harvested and high-quality (niche market level) honey.
Our Family Forest approach is another approach. These are large areas of remaining forest where community DUATS are forged with a focus on low-density cattle ranging (also traditional), apiculture and permaculture as an integrated land-use strategy for large-scale coastal forest preservation. Families map and protect their own forests through land title processes and co-management agreements with partners that help deliver concrete support for families most basic needs such as potable water sources, seed banks and seed programs, permaculture and soil amelioration programs, small livestock programs, and access to medical care, and educational and technical training opportunities. All of these support services are currently lacking in Malamba-Mazuene
By establishing a community family forest & beekeeping programs integrated with forest-based programs like permaculture, native trees nurseries, tourism, biodiversity trainings and surveys it becomes possible to: